Lizzy's Life

Friday, April 06, 2007

Sorry it's been so long!

Well as you know I like pictures, so I will tell my story with them, as always! :)

Well I went to visit my sister at BJ and to check out the Culinary Arts program there. So to get there I traveled with the guys to NC. We stopped in Washington DC and had a great day. Yes, I know, I look out of place. :) At least I got there.
So I had a great time with my sister and I do miss her very much!!!!
I also had a great time of fellowship with Louise, a friend from a few years back. We had a great time of talking while I was there.

So then the guys dropped me off in NYC and I plent a week with my friend Katie at Faith Baptist Church in Queens!!!

We had such a great time!! We went to the food Network headquarters!!!! That was so awesome!!


  • At 12:31 AM, Blogger Ellen said…

    You look SO GOOD! Are you still doing your special diet?? Haven't heard from you in forever... did you get my 2 letters/1 email?? I hope you are well. Sounds like you've been busy! What'd you think of the culinary program? Just wanted to say hi and that I love ya, and I'm thinking of you. Praying for you.


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