Lizzy's Life

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My New Eating Habits

Well, the Lord has answered some prayers. I've been asking God for some answers about my health. (Especially when it comes to my back.) So I went to this nutritionist person and she told me what she thought was wrong with me and I’m now on all kinds of supplements and a special diet. I am only eating meat and vegetables. No sugars of any kind, no milk products, no grain products, no peanut products, no fruit or juices, no vinegar, no potatoes or corn, no white rice, and no soy. So I’m eating all the meat I can and trying to stay sane. Please pray for me. I feel like the Israelites when God would bless them and they would go right back to complaining again. God answered my prayers and now I’m complaining again. I’m supposed to be on this diet for 4-6 months. Please pray that I’ll have a good attitude and be thankful. I would appreciate it.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Isn't God's Creation Beautiful!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My New Glasses

Monday, October 02, 2006

Some Hearts Are So Deceived

I had the saddest conversation on the phone the other night. I was talking to an old friend who has struggled with Christianity for years. Her parents have never grasped the concept of FAITH IN CHRIST ALONE. She saw a lot of hypocritical Christians during her high school years, and when a tragedy happened in her life they just condemned her for her part in it.

After small talk, our conversation led to church. She then went on the describe her view of a Christian, no "Baptist." (The perfect little wife in a skirt, with her husband in a tie, and their little row of kids that are so well behaved.) Well, most of you have never been to my church, but our families are not stuffy like she believes. :)She seemed to think that I would condemn her for having satellite TV. (In which she discovered that I have more channels then she does.) She was only bringing up issues that she thought were important and disregarding any truth that I tried to tell her. She kept referring to the fact that she is a free spirit and likes to worship God in her own way. She said that she never had the chance to "be free" in high school and now, even though she is in her 30's, she is still living like a child.

She then began to question God’s character in a way that I’ve never heard before. She questioned His Foreknowledge, His forever existence, His judgement in who He sends to Hell, His plan in trusting Christ alone for forgiveness, and much more. She said that no God who knows the future would make a human race that He knew would sin against Him. I tried to explain to her the vastness of His love for all humanity in doing that. She kept pointing to the fact of her goodness, although she knows the Bible and even emphatically told me not to quote the faith alone verses to her. She then went on to say that after she’s prayed over and over again for salvation and has been baptized twice; if God was still going to send her to Hell, she wanted to be there. (That is when I started crying.) I could only see us standing before God and her looking at me with this sad look and I could do nothing else but look at her with pity.

I tried to explain to her that she’s trusting in herself for salvation and not in Christ alone. She said it was silly to think that all there was to it is to confess her sins, ask Jesus to save her, and that’s it. I tried to explain how that the lack of spiritual fruit in her life and her wrong view of God pointed to the fact that she didn’t have the Holy Spirit living inside her. I told her I was crying and she could hear it in my voice. I pleaded with her to search her soul and read 1 John and see if she "be in the faith". She wouldn’t listen to anything and insisted that she should be able to get to God her own way.

Please pray for this lady and another chance for me to talk to her. Also that God would open her eyes if that is His sovereign plan.