Lizzy's Life

Friday, April 06, 2007

My Trip to School

In January I went out to school and took a class. Nikki and I had a great time going to GreenBay and hanging out in a hot tub!!!

Rachel and I had some time together as well!! Of course it was so good to hang out with Sarah, Kat, Ursula, and all of my other friends and the guys.

I also had a great time doing some cooking for my friends and leaving them little goodie bags!!

Ryan and I had a great time in the Chicago airport and at the Markhams and the Remeikas.

Then I got to
spend some time with Dan in Chicago on the way back.
So that's my trip in a nut shell. :)

Sorry it's been so long!

Well as you know I like pictures, so I will tell my story with them, as always! :)

Well I went to visit my sister at BJ and to check out the Culinary Arts program there. So to get there I traveled with the guys to NC. We stopped in Washington DC and had a great day. Yes, I know, I look out of place. :) At least I got there.
So I had a great time with my sister and I do miss her very much!!!!
I also had a great time of fellowship with Louise, a friend from a few years back. We had a great time of talking while I was there.

So then the guys dropped me off in NYC and I plent a week with my friend Katie at Faith Baptist Church in Queens!!!

We had such a great time!! We went to the food Network headquarters!!!! That was so awesome!!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Hanging out with friends this Christmas!

We had a great time with friends this Christmas. We hung out at Gumps with the college and career group and had a really good time. There were so many friends of ours there that were unsaved it was awesome that they all came. (Some people that we've been praying for, for a long time.) We ate and had a bonfire, the guys played football, and John T. gave a great devotional. Praise the Lord for all the people that were there and for the way I know He's going to work in their hearts.

I made a quilt this Christmas for my Great-Grandma. I call it a family tree quilt. I printed pictures of our family on fabric paper and sewed them onto my squares.

It was SO awesome to have my Grammie sing in church with our family.

We went to our grandparents in PA for a week and had a great time. We went driving one night to look at lights, just like we used to do when we were little. It was great to see them and my uncle. It was hard to say good-bye.

I was so excited that it worked out to see some of my friends from camp on the way home. We met up at Friendly's in CT. I got to spend some time with Gene and Mike. We had a really cool time!

It was good to have our friend Dan come home for Steve and Ashley's wedding. You can tell how this week went by Steve's face. :)
Ryan grew out his beard again. (I think I might be one of the few that like it.)
It was so awesome to have my sister back for a few weeks.

Steve and Ashley had a beautiful wedding. Praise the Lord for the message that the unsaved heard and that everything went to well.

And lastly the famous group picture. Wow my sister, Shy, and Ash were SO pretty!! And of course the guys were handsome too. I was so excited about how my video footage came out.
Well, that and A LOT of shopping pretty such tells about the whole Christmas break!

Pictures of US during Christmas break.

We had such a great time while my sister was home for Christmas break. We went to PA to visit our grandparents, did a lot of shopping!!!!, hung out, had a Christmas program, were involved in a wedding, and generally just had fun!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

His Amazing Humility

I would like to share a thought that I had this Christmas with you all. I've been thinking a lot about Christ's humility in coming to earth as a baby, with the sole purpose of dying. I was reading Phil. 2:7, in my NASB MacArthur Study Bible (I know you're proud of me Pastor Mark and Peter) and I really liked the note that MacArthur had. He talks about Christ emptying Himself of His privileges, but not of His deity. He listed several privileges, such as, "1) heavenly glory - . . . his face-to face relationship with God . . . ; 2) independant authority - . . . Christ completely submitted Himself to the will of His Father; 3) divine prerogatives - He set aside the voluntary display of His divine attributes and submitted Himself to the Spirit's direction; 4) eternal riches - while on earth Christ was poor and owned very little; and 5) a favorable relationship with God - He felt the Father's wrath for human sin while on the cross."

Not only did He temporarily give up these things to become a baby, that was completely dependent on others for food, shelter, etc.; but He also took on Himself "the form of a bond servant and . . . made in the likeness of men." WHO WOULD WANT TO LEAVE GLORY AND BECOME A PART OF THIS WRETCHED HUMAN RACE? AN AMAZING GOD WITH UNSPEAKABLE LOVE FOR SINNERS!!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Our First Snow Fall!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Before and After

I decided my hair needed a change!
My wonderful sister and brother!!!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

I love taking pictures!!!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My New Eating Habits

Well, the Lord has answered some prayers. I've been asking God for some answers about my health. (Especially when it comes to my back.) So I went to this nutritionist person and she told me what she thought was wrong with me and I’m now on all kinds of supplements and a special diet. I am only eating meat and vegetables. No sugars of any kind, no milk products, no grain products, no peanut products, no fruit or juices, no vinegar, no potatoes or corn, no white rice, and no soy. So I’m eating all the meat I can and trying to stay sane. Please pray for me. I feel like the Israelites when God would bless them and they would go right back to complaining again. God answered my prayers and now I’m complaining again. I’m supposed to be on this diet for 4-6 months. Please pray that I’ll have a good attitude and be thankful. I would appreciate it.