Lizzy's Life

Friday, September 29, 2006

The current is too strong to swim against.

Well, I’ve held out for a while and I can’t do it anymore. It’s time I get my own blog. I don’t like to "go with the flow," but what’s the use. I feel lost in the back woods of Maine and out of touch with the rest of the blogging world. Someone once said that blogging is for people that have no lives; so that they can comment on the blogs of other people that have no lives. So I’m joining the group of "no lifers" as I sit and stare at my computer screen and tell the world what’s going on in the life (that I obviously don’t have).


  • At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My dear "lifeless" ex-roomie,
    I would like to amend your statement about having "no life" because, as I recall, you are a very "lively" person... which is, perhaps, not quite the same thing as having an actual life; however, I'm convinced that you're not giving yourself enough credit.... where is Regina when we need her? I'm sure that she would have an appropriate comment to insert here. Like: "At least you don't have a husband... then you'd have ABSOLUTELY no life!" or "Liz, you're being too dramatic." or "Anyone who uses that much toilet paper must have SOME kind of life!"
    So, my dear friend, you truly DO have a life, because you are loved by many... including me.
    Have fun in Maine,
    The Skanky Scarecrow

  • At 7:09 PM, Blogger Daniel Dow said…

    I'm due for another haircut.
    But I can't ask you for two reasons:
    A. You arent in chicago and I can't leave.
    B. You have not yet accepted the fact that a nearly bald head suits me, so you wouldnt do it anyway.

  • At 1:23 PM, Blogger Daniel Dow said…

    One of the rules of grammar: you can't end a sentence in a preposition, and you certainly cannot end a Blog title in one.

    try "the current is too strong against which to swim."

  • At 6:39 AM, Blogger mommmydeb said…

    If it were true that bloggers were people with no life then why would my son be bugging me to make another entry? I'M TO BUSY with LIFE to make one everyday!!! I think that statement is for those who make multiple entries daily and have more than one blog!!!


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